Saturday, July 4, 2009

Here Comes Sickness

And not in the good sense. After taking a month or so off of my 'blog, and after doing some serious soul searching, I've decided to sell off a couple of my projects and a few of the guns in my rather extensive collection. I really want that FXR.

As far as sickness is concerned, I'm just getting over a nasty chest cold. Blech. Started on Wednesday at work, and by yesterday, I simply could not breathe easily.

Anyway, I'm selling my '52 Ford Customline Tudor sedan project, and my '70 Chevelle project. If you're interested or curious at all, hit me up here, or on the Jockey Journal under the user name Creepy Jack. No, they aren't super cheap, but are worth my asking prices by simple virtue of the sum of their parts.

Oh yeah, my friend Dave is selling his sweet '59 XLH, and pretty reasonably priced, too. You can see a photo of it in this 'blog somewhere.

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